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One of the purposes of the Federation is to provide a network around the world for members to exchange information relating to all facets of Merino breeding and the use of Merino wool, meat and other related products.

Conferences are held every four years and facilitate access to scientists, researchers, technical service providers and breeders in each host country. The latest technology and advances being made to maintain a progressive and profitable industry are highlighted and/or displayed for the benefit of all members.  Pre- and post-conference tours provide an opportunity to visit a variety of farms as well as universities and cultural centres to gain an understanding of local environments.


The titles of papers presented at past conferences July 1986 – July 2006 can be obtained by clicking here.


Click here for proceedings of 8th World Merino Conference, Rambouillet France, May 2010.


The Cape Wools 9th World Merino Conference was held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, from 29 April to 1 May 2014.

For conference presentations, visit the website of Merino 2014, the South African organising committee at  www.merino2014.com or pick up links to presentations from http://www.merino2014.com/programme-presentations.html

The 10th World Merino Conference was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 12th and 13th April, 2018.

For conference presentations visit www.merino.com.uy/